Join this network
of beautiful souls working together
for the wellbeing
of planet Earth

Sign up for upcoming online events!

2024 OPEN Events

 11 January

For the Earth grids

11/1 2024 18 PM CET

This event has passed. Sign up for the next...

 22 February

For the frozen waters

22/2 2024 18 PM CET

This event has passed. Sign up for the next...

 22 April

Earth day celebration!

22/4 2024 12.00-13.00 CET

This event has passed. Sign up for the next...

 21 May

For the blossoming flowers

21/3 2024 18 PM CET

This event has passed. Sign up for the next...

 20 October

Meeting in the zero point

20/10 2024 18 PM CET

Sign up here!

*All Pulse of Gaia OPEN events are free of charge! We welcome you to make voluntary donation to support the network. All donations are optional and does not affect or correlate with your participation in any activities or events organized by Pulse of Gaia.

About Pulse of Gaia

Advanced collaborative energy work for planet Earth

We live in a beautiful Earth paradise but unfortunately as a collective we have gotten out of tune. Humananity have the choice of awakening  to a new way of excisting in harmony with the rythms of nature. Connecting our hearts to her beat and to start pulsing as one. Recalibrating the energies of Gaia to her original blue print is a powerful way of healing the damage and co-creating a brighter future.

The planet is in need of help in so many ways.  

This is a non-profit project. All proceeds goes to organizing bigger live events and donations to earth friendly charity and specific efforts supporting nature.

You will soon be able to become a member of Pulse of Gaia and in the mean while OPEN events are FREE of charge. We welcome voluntary DONATIONS to support the network.

Who can join?

If you are familiar with energy healing, shamanism, grid work, portal work or other advanced energy work you are warmly welcome to join us for these collaborative energy sessions for the highest good of earth and all spieces inhabiting the the planet at this time.  If you are not familiar with advanced energy work but feel a strong connection to nature and a heartfelt call to join then please send us a message and we will guide you.  

We step into the sessions with a pure intention of being at service to Mother Gaia, to help her recover and restore. We gather with an open heart and curious mind and follow guidance about what needs to be done and what wants to flow through each time. Healing, energy work, prayers, singing, rituals... Trust that your wisdom, gifts and contributions are needed and valuble!   The space is safely held by a smaller group of energy workers, together with energy beings from near and far.

 Gatherings 2024

For the Pulse of Gaia

22/4 2024 12 PM CET

Special EARTH DAY celebration! We gather to witness earth beyond time and space. To honor her timeless essence. This will also be the birth of a new phase in the collaborative energy work in the Pulse of Gaia Network. 

For the blossoming flowers

21/5 2024 18 PM CET

This time we gather for the blossoming flowers. To witness the magic of creation, blossoming of every soul and the gentle unfolding of a new time where
Earth can flourish. 

Meeting in the zero point

20/10 2024 18 PM CET

we gather in deep stillness, beyond time, in the energy of the zero point! For inner and outer PEACE. The more the world is swirling the more centered we need to become!

Joining the network

Joining the Pulse of Gaia OPEN events is free of charge!

The next event is MEETING IN THE ZERO POINT!  
 20/10 at 18.00 CET
You can sign up latest 1hr before the gathering starts and you receive the link in the confirmation email.

There are no replays to the events.

Use this time zone converter to see you local time for the events.

We welcome you to make donations to support the Pulse of Gaia network.  Pulse of Gaia is blossoming into an official non-profit organization where you can soon become a member.

We look forward to co-creating with you!

Joining the network

Joining the Pulse of Gaia is free! Once you sign up you can access the events and network community area and discussion forum.

Send us a message if you wish to get a reminder and a link to sign-ip.

 In 2024 we welcome you to make donations to support the Pulse of Gaia network.  When you sign up you recieve a link to join the event and some information about how to prepare.
There are no replays to the events.

Use this time zone converter to see you local time for the events.

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